Musical Diary

Nick’s Musical Diary spans over forty years. All the tunes are original – many are dance tunes, other are slower tunes, more like songs without words.

A selection of Musical Diary tunes are published in the book A Musical Diary

and many of the tunes can be heard on Bandcamp, where each track or the whole CD can be purchased.

I keep a version of all the tunes in this BIG LIST.

Please feel free to play or record any of these tunes. If they are performed in public please declare the performance to PRS as I will then receive a small payment.


I wrote the tune “Skirmish” in 1993 when White Rose morris took on board Skirmish from Kemp’s Men but decided to dance it in the style of Oddington. At the time people were using British Grenadiers as the tune – and – while I have no issues with that tune – I thought it should have its own.

From White Rose, Dogrose inherited it and used it for their performance on ‘Later with Jools Holland’. Bryony Griffith taught the tune to Eliza Carthy, and their version has become the one that most people play.

White Rose still dance Skirmish – now in the style of Fieldtown – to my original tune.

I have been fascinated to watch and hear how the tune has changed, and how it sounds in the hands of other musicians, most of whom are far better than me!

Below are some versions of “Skirmish”.